A’touna Et-Tufoole by Remi Bandali – Lyrics + Translation

The Golden Scarab

Here are the lyrics to the song sang by Ghina Bou Hamdan on The Voice Kids . Ghina has made the song popular again , and the Arab co0mmunities (most of them at least) felt for Ghina and for the other victimized children of the Arab world . War has deprived a  lot of them of their basic childhood necessities .

 جينا نعيدكم… بالعيد منسألكم

Jeena N’ayedkon … Bel-Eid Mnes’alkon

We’ve came to wish you happy holidays … and during the holidays we ask you

ليش ما في عنا… لا أعياد ولا زينة

Lesh Ma Fee ‘Enna … La ‘Ayyad Wala Zeineh

Why is that we do not have any holidays or decorations
يا عالم

Ya ‘Alam

Ye , World

أرضي محروقة

Ardhi Mahroo’a

My land is burned down

أرضي حرية مسروقة

Ardhi Huriyyeh Masroo’a

My land is stolen freedom

سمانا عم تحلم… عم تسأل الأيام

Samana ‘Am Tehlam ……

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Daily magyar

Kellemes húsvéti ünnepeket! – Happy Easter!
[Literally::: Pleasant Easter Holidays!]

Húsvét – Easter
..the word Húsvét refers to the “first day when we can eat meat after the Christian Lent” because meat is forbidden during Lent, so “a HÚS magunkhoz VÉTelének első napja”.

On Holy Saturday or Sunday the girls decorate eggs and prepare food for Easter Monday. A typical Easter Monday breakfast menu is: ham, funnily decorated eggs with Piros Arany and some cakes.

On Easter Monday both the girls and the boys dress up (at some places into folk costumes) and then the girls stay home the whole day, waiting for the boys. The boys, if they are little, go with their father, godfather and/or grandfather from house to house and sprinkle the girls. If the boys are older, they go with their friends and do the same.
The girls must be sprinkled, because they are flowers, and…

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Maglev at Incheon International Airport to be completed this year


Incheon International Airport will become home to Korea’s first commercial urban maglev train line once completed in July this year but will not officially begin operating until October 2013. The trial line is only 6.1 kilometers long and travels from Incheon’s Transport Center to the Yongyoo-Muui Tourist Complex which is also under development.

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My Korean Corner

비몽사몽 非夢似夢 – [명사] 완전히 잠이 들지도 잠에서 깨어나지도 않은 어렴풋한 상태.
[noun] the state between being asleep and awake; half awake; half dreaming.

If there’s a word that can best describe what I am feeling right now it will be 비몽사몽.

Ever since I came back from Korea, more than a month ago, and up until now I am still in a 비몽사몽 state. I don’t know where I’ve been, where I currently am and have no idea where I should go. I don’t have the slightest idea of what I just did, what I am doing and what I should be doing next.

I’ve started working. I’ve meet new people and have made new friends. I wake up early every day and go to work. I hit the gym. I have a routine everyday…


I still feel that one morning I’ll wake up in my sweet little room…

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Books I Read

I just recently returned from a fifteen-day road trip out West. Along the way, I ate amazing barbecue food in Kansas City, saw the most gorgeous sunset in rural Kansas, crossed paths with celebrity mechanics in Colorado, and made way too many photography pit stops while getting to the ultimate destination, Yellowstone National Park (where we spent seven days). I have been slowly editing the images I have taken in and around the park with my primary cameras (Canon 7D and Canon 5D Mark II) as individual posts on my photoblog, Erudite Expressions; that Yellowstone gallery is now complete. Here, I wanted to highlight some of the mobile photographs I captured during this trip, most of which were taken with Instagram on my iPhone.

One of the most fruitful stops was this unassuming place called Cowboy Cafe in the town of Dubois, WY. Don’t let the tiny size…

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